Thursday, January 22, 2009


I know it has been a while since I have written and I'm sorry..I don't even know if anyone reads this or cares about my though but I do have a couple of followers that I hope acknowledge to read my words.

I always question my thoughts my word cause I grew up feeling and thinking that my words didn't matter and everytime I get into and arguement with my moms that occurs.

Someone has left me and went to the Marines...a friend of mines for High School....I'm gonna miss our talks so much....and I didn't even get to say goodbye really....So I wrote him on aim knowing he would get it when he signed in how I felt.....And I heard he got it but he never wrote back or called...I 'm jus stressing cause I wish he would of wrote back cause he's gonna be gone for a while.

I don't know what else 2 say so I'm done............'til next time.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are the right ppl being chosen 2 serve and protect?

One of my friend on Facebook posted the link to a video that talked about an incident that occurred on New Years Day in Oakland,'s not shocking because incidents such as these have happen many time before...but it just sad when they do happen.Its just so sad because the person was innocent and it's just so wrong.....and you know people are hurting and even people who are not related still hurt as well because the could of been someone they knew or even themselves.

WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW..............It speaks for itself: