Thursday, February 12, 2009

~Contribution 2 the Future~

All In My Hands ( Photo By: Eman Rimawi)

Sorry it's been a while so much has been going on and so much has not been. Right now I've been back at college for about a month and I'm already dying 2 come home. Everytime I wake up for class it's like am I still really here?? Why am I not at home. I miss my friends , my family and just everything that is home for me... I just need something or someone to make me feel at home... I'm hoping one of my friends come to see me or I get 2 see one of them. Talking on the Aiming is not enough. I just really need some NYC time and some home time as well as some me time. Time is going by so quick and I htought I had enough to choose what I want to do in life but I'm not sure. I met this kid like 2wks ago that works at the info desk and he has been to 4 schools and had like 5 majors and I'm like I hope that won't be me but there is a chance I could be come a school major hopper ( Does that even make sense??). It happens to some but I have and idea but it branches off in to 2 many majors. There are so many fields to study but are there spaces to be occupied in the end??? This world is falling in a pit and if we don't move quick enough to get out we will reach the bottom and it's going to be hard to get out of there then. Thousands of people are being laid of and all occupations are downsizing and everything is being filled that's left. There are adults killing their families because they don't want there families to suffer through the struggle. They don't realize that even before all of this, people have been struggling. Even as someone whose life wasn't filled with luxuries I still fear what awaits not sure of how hard we will hit and how much damage will be caused. It's gonna be up to me and everyone that's in my generation now to help rejuvenate the world and the earth to a balance. I just want to make sure I make the right choice for what my contribution will be.