Monday, December 14, 2009

The Return

So it has been a while since I wrote here it goes my Freewrite.........

So I have return
Back to the place
That has ripped me into shreads
And taped me back together
So many times
Now that I have spent large amounts of times away
This place I label HOME
Has become a stranger to me
Everything about this place
Now ticks my nerves
Make my blood boil
When the ugliness that I hate shows its face
I can't take a stare at it face 2 face
I love the return to this original kingdom
Unreplicable but tried by many
The people I cross
I feel are stuck in the bubble of this metropolis
Well some but it halts things
I just wish everything
Would just flow
Be simple
At least for once

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hmmmmm............. it has been a while...yup yup.

Back at school now up in Rochester!!!! Yay since August. This summer was a laidback one where I just chilled had some me time and took care of the gramz. I lost my best friend since the 3rd grade.... but shit happens right. Shows how much value our relationship had. I saw some people I haven't in a long time and was able to have my last summer moment with the besties 'til next summer!!!! A few people I didn't see but will possibly visit them at their schools!!!

Now I'm in my 5th week of school my sophomore year is really here already a year done and 2 1/2 yrs of undergrad to go!!!! I'm really here and at occasion it still seem surreal but now that I have a major I'm starting to think of my future path on where I truly want to be.

My friends and I are bringing this sophomore year in hard with leadership roles on campus and many goals that will change this campus hopefully and positively. I love my classes they are the stepping stones for me.

Loving being at school but sort of missing my friends back at home 2!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thought Product of a Virgo infused Rage

He watched the sun rise In her eyes
And watch the world die in mines
Only seeing the joyous side
He couldn’t bare the morbidness within that lies
Deep in the soul of this lost girl
Caught in The zone
He observed the glittery rays
Not caring of the pervious days
His mother telling him 2 remember that everything that glitters ain’t gold
That even if the core is ccld
Warmth can change its flow
She was riding the fence
From one life to another
Trying to convince that she was one and hiding the other
Who she wanted to be
And who she really is
She tried to be what she saw
But who she was- was different, original Straight RAW
But all they saw was her disguised
Labeled by her smile and sweetness
She wasn’t allowed to be sad
Cause no one could understand
He couldn’t see her potential
He only observed with his eyes but not with the mental
She didn’t seem to be worthy
Of his time or acknowledgement
The words she would text were ignored
Her attempts to makes moves were like knocking on deaf doors
Only he was allowed to interrogate
Without hesitation she answered every ques. not a second late
Hoping to bring him closer
But it was all pointless
Because from jump it was all over

By the time he realized
What was right before his eyes
That it was priceless
But now by him tarnish and tainted-demoralized
It was too late
Cause now in his arms laid their ending fate
Him staring into her eyes
Watching what he waited for all his life
Her finally having someone see her for the first time
And the last time
Be cause her last breath
She had just taken was the end of her fall
But it was the best breath
That began and ended with a kiss from his lips
Like Romeo and Juliet

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm lookin in the mirror and everything seems fine to me, looks fine to me, sounds fine to me. BuT i'M CONSTANTLY hearing peopls say lately that something don't seem right with you Smilez or you sound your mind is somewhere else.
I'm starting to worry that it might be true and I'm just oblivious.
I'm feelin lost and I don't want to lose myself...... getting into bad patterns. I think I'm in trouble that I may pick up a bad I replace a bad habit with
another bad habit.
I need the besties right about now...I'm feelin that way again.I'm not likin the feeling. Everything seem all over the place and I can't get a grip
Overall I have seen the promise
Not the land
But I heard
The words so vivid
It’s clarity unexisting
But in this time for
Now everything is in a blur
Chaos is living
Breathing its very own version of oxygen
Its only in this monster chaos can be seen
But it hides anywhere
Mostly in positions of power
This promise
If only I can show you
The masterpiece those words had drawn in my brain
Full of clouds, swirls, smiles, sunshine, peace, unity,and love
This Promise
Could Reconstruct

Sunday, May 17, 2009

So it's Prom Season and I'm a College Student

So right now alot of my friends are going to their proms this year and I'm so jealous. I can't lie... I really wish I went to minds. I feel so sad about I really missed out on something and I did. It was my choice though and I can't change that. I just really wish I went and thing happen for a reason. I'm glad for thse who went enjoyed themselves. I spent my prom day with one of my best friendS. I have attached some prom scenes...some that u kno don't really I'm already over

She's All That and High School Musical 3

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last 2 weeks in chaos, frustration, and sadness
No solitude
Only 1 I can reach 2 busy
No comfort

I just love theses 2 songs: Smokey Robinson & the miracles:


Ooh Baby Baby

Thursday, February 12, 2009

~Contribution 2 the Future~

All In My Hands ( Photo By: Eman Rimawi)

Sorry it's been a while so much has been going on and so much has not been. Right now I've been back at college for about a month and I'm already dying 2 come home. Everytime I wake up for class it's like am I still really here?? Why am I not at home. I miss my friends , my family and just everything that is home for me... I just need something or someone to make me feel at home... I'm hoping one of my friends come to see me or I get 2 see one of them. Talking on the Aiming is not enough. I just really need some NYC time and some home time as well as some me time. Time is going by so quick and I htought I had enough to choose what I want to do in life but I'm not sure. I met this kid like 2wks ago that works at the info desk and he has been to 4 schools and had like 5 majors and I'm like I hope that won't be me but there is a chance I could be come a school major hopper ( Does that even make sense??). It happens to some but I have and idea but it branches off in to 2 many majors. There are so many fields to study but are there spaces to be occupied in the end??? This world is falling in a pit and if we don't move quick enough to get out we will reach the bottom and it's going to be hard to get out of there then. Thousands of people are being laid of and all occupations are downsizing and everything is being filled that's left. There are adults killing their families because they don't want there families to suffer through the struggle. They don't realize that even before all of this, people have been struggling. Even as someone whose life wasn't filled with luxuries I still fear what awaits not sure of how hard we will hit and how much damage will be caused. It's gonna be up to me and everyone that's in my generation now to help rejuvenate the world and the earth to a balance. I just want to make sure I make the right choice for what my contribution will be.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I know it has been a while since I have written and I'm sorry..I don't even know if anyone reads this or cares about my though but I do have a couple of followers that I hope acknowledge to read my words.

I always question my thoughts my word cause I grew up feeling and thinking that my words didn't matter and everytime I get into and arguement with my moms that occurs.

Someone has left me and went to the Marines...a friend of mines for High School....I'm gonna miss our talks so much....and I didn't even get to say goodbye really....So I wrote him on aim knowing he would get it when he signed in how I felt.....And I heard he got it but he never wrote back or called...I 'm jus stressing cause I wish he would of wrote back cause he's gonna be gone for a while.

I don't know what else 2 say so I'm done............'til next time.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are the right ppl being chosen 2 serve and protect?

One of my friend on Facebook posted the link to a video that talked about an incident that occurred on New Years Day in Oakland,'s not shocking because incidents such as these have happen many time before...but it just sad when they do happen.Its just so sad because the person was innocent and it's just so wrong.....and you know people are hurting and even people who are not related still hurt as well because the could of been someone they knew or even themselves.

WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW..............It speaks for itself: